Saturday, March 14, 2009

IGM Quantum Consciousness

Inter-Galactic Memo
To: All Personnel
Fr: W. Leavitt, Crypto-Cybernetic-Quantum Physicist
Re: Quantum Consciousness

We are all very excited around here because of a recent announcement from Roger Penrose (who I believe is a Nobel Laureate in Physics) and anesthesiologist Stuart Hamerhoff, whom I’ve never heard of but is apparently a gas-passer. These too illuminates have come up with a theory about human consciousness they call Orchestrated Objective Reduction” which involves research into why we are conscious, self-aware (a relative term at best) individuals. I will not attempt to explain the theory. It is complicated. However, the article in has provided a handy paragraph by way of explanation which I will here include. Only Mr. Sammons and Mr. Isle and Mr. Phillips—and of course Mrs. Bhagat—have a hope of understanding it.
The theory suggests that microtubules, which are structural components inside cells, might function as cellular quantum computing elements. Inside the microtubules, coherence among quantum superpositions is maintained until the wave function collapses. Normally, a wave function collapses due to a measurement (i.e., interaction of the system and its environment), but here the collapse is postulated not to occur until the quantum superpositions become physically separated within spacetime geometry, called “objective reduction.” When an area of quantum coherence collapses, an instant of consciousness occurs.
Remember those wonderful days of yesteryear, when science suggested with confidence bordering on hubris that the human brain was irreducible, and that no comparison could be made to something as mundane as a computer, etc.? Now we have “cellular quantum computing elements” cropping up in our heads. Good grief. We go on with another incomprehensible quote:
The physical cause of the coherent activity within the microtubules, as Penrose and Hamerhoff suggest, could be Fröhlich condensates. Proposed by physicist Herbert Fröhlich in 1968, Fröhlich condensates are similar to Bose-Einstein condensates in that both are systems with the unique collective property of macroscopic quantum coherence. In Fröhlich condensation, several vibrating oscillators can achieve a highly ordered condensed state, vibrating in resonance. Specifically, nearly all the vibrations occur in-phase at the Fröhlich condensate’s lowest frequency.
They tell us all this in order to tell us this: It turns out that the Fröhlich Condensate is not a candidate for this theory because after forty years of trying really hard, no one has managed to make or find one. They require high temperatures in order to exist. I was afraid to find out how high. (Bose-Einstein requires absolute zero.)
I have been aware of the Bose-Einstein condensate for years because it has become a staple of sorts in science fiction novels. I may have mentioned it a few times in some of my own in fact. It is a fifth state of matter—solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and condensate. Never heard of the Fröhlich condensate until today, which is very exciting except for it not currently existing. What is fascinating here is the attempt to explain consciousness in terms of quantum computing components. Sadly, yet another theory has failed. I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I have an alternative one ready and waiting.
Let us suppose, for the sake of our discussion, that there is a substance, or material in the universe which contains, as an inherent aspect or characteristic, consciousness, or intelligence. We will call this material “spirit”. On some level currently unknown, but sans “cellular quantum computing elements” , this material entity connects with the corporeal human body. While this “spirit” material is physical—actual substance—it is of a nature so refined that it cannot as yet be detected with current technology. It is this form, complete and independent its own right, that contains consciousness and imbues the brain and body with its intelligence as well as its animation. The “spirit” material exists prior to, and independent of, the corporeal body and enters or connects with the body some time prior to birth, which is why researches are having such a difficult time finding what we call “mind.” The material requires neither extreme heat or cold to exist. If we were to replace our term “spirit” with a more secular-sounding label, such as “ectoplasmic construct” or “entangled-Foam Matrix” or “trans-dimensional condensate”, scientists would gleefully add my theory to the others already accepted—despite no evidence whatsoever—by the scientific community. Many fine grants could be won, experiments could be added to the schedule for the LHC, and another generation of researches living off the governments teat would be able to earn a living in their chosen fields. This would help to stimulate the economy and bring us back to our rightful place at kings of the hill in the world of R&D. Now I ask you; where’s the down-side to this?

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