Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IGM The Many Faces of Global Warming


To: All Personnel
Fr: W. Leavitt, Professional rabble-rouser
Re: The Many faces of Global Warming

An article in Dailynews.com should have us all concerned. Apparently the glaciers in China are receding at an “alarming” rate. We quote the article:

A three-year study, to be used by the China Geological Survey Institute, shows that glaciers in the Yangtze source area, central to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in south-western China, have receded 196 square kilometres over the past 40 years.

In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that while 196 square kilometers is a lot of ground, the actual drop over the last forty years has been from 1,247 SK to 1,041 SK. So there’s still a good deal of ice, which is a good thing. However, several other headlines, all from the same site, are cause for concern. To wit:
Hundreds Of Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers Accelerating As Climate Warms

Most Alaskan Glaciers Retreating, Thinning, Or Stagnating

Melting Glaciers On The Tibetan Plateau

World's Glaciers Continue To Shrink, According To New CU-Boulder Study

And there are others. Greenland’s glaciers appear to be melting at accelerated rates as well, but the interior of that continent is rapidly increasing in ice, which makes for an over-all balance of the amount of ice.
But researchers just announced (confessed) that a glitch in their equipment failed to add a piece of Arctic ice the size of California to their annual survey. That’s probably relevant.
It’s interesting to note that in spite of all this melting, the sea-levels have shown no appreciable rise. Perhaps someone could get a grant and figure out where all the water is going. Mr. Isle, I’m going to delegate that to you.
And on the other hand we have this from England:

The recommendation that the UK cut its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 per cent* is “total madness based on false science” said Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction long range forecasters.
“There is no evidence that Carbon dioxide has ever controlled, is controlling or will ever control world temperatures or climate and I challenge the promoters of this nonsense to produce evidence to justify their policies - or drop them, just as 13 world scientists** have similarly challenged the UN.

This mention of 13 scientists is in reference to the following:

13 world scientists wrote** to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in July asking for evidence to justify UN Climate Change policy and calling for the UN’s climate committee (IPCC) to be made accountable. Tim Yeo MP** (chair of the Parliament Environment Audit Committee) was also written to in July. Neither have acknowledged or replied.

So, mostly I’m reporting that we still have absolutely no consensus on climate change. Except that it is. Which we already knew. Because it always does. Change I mean.

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