Tuesday, December 11, 2007

So long Harry

Gosh. This is a tough one. I’ve thought long and hard about this one (not really; it took about ten seconds after a read the latest quote) and it makes me sad, but I am going to have to call for the forced retirement of one of our Senators. Consider this an official grass-roots movement—and you’re in on the ground floor. Pretty keen, huh?

It’s about poor Senator Harry Reid. We have to get rid of him. I think he should be impeached. We need to make him an example. Hold a special vote of no-confidence, ask him to move to Mexico, or Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, or some other country so corrupt his presence won’t be noticed. I don’t know him, or much about him. I’m in no position to pass judgment on what kind of a man he is, and I won’t. But I am in position to pass judgment on his professionalism and quality of work as well as his report card as a Senator for Nevada. He sucks. Ever since he became Majority Leader, it has gone straight to his head. Everything he’s said in the last two or three years has been misleading, disingenuous, spurious, often bordering on slander, mean-spirited, stupid, ignorant, and dead wrong. He is an embarrassment to this state and the country. He has become a laughing stock, negligent, incompetent. Truthfully, I suspect he never really had what it takes to fill the job. He has become the worst kind of party hack, a trained attack dog for the Democratic party. If I were a Dem, I wouldn’t want to claim him, anymore than I want to claim Bush. (He’s mine though, dammit.)

Every public word out of Senator Reid’s mouth has been petty, callous, personal, and disrespectful. He’s wishy-washy. The perfect collaborator, a weather vane, a poll-worshiping demagogue. The worst kind of hypocrite. Far worse than me, and I can be pretty hypocritical. He appears to have no sense of propriety, no common decency, no respect for the rules of the Senate, any office, or himself. He has become an ineffective, doddering, cantankerous, old fool. I’m sure he’s a great dad, grandfather, husband, does community service (if the cameras are rolling), has friends, tells jokes, carves the turkey, and teaches a good Sunday school class. But it’s time he sticks to what he can do well, and being a Senator ain’t it.

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