Monday, May 24, 2010

IGM The Most Popular President in History

Inter-Galactic Memo
To: All Personnel
Fr: W. Leavitt
Re: The most popular president in the history of the world

I was reading an article on the latest Rasmussen report this morning. Some interesting trends are continuing, and growing stronger. It seems that President Obama’s popularity has slipped again, down to 44%. My my, that must sting to see that number while one is being the Most Popular President in the History of the World.
And, as if that weren’t bad enough, the much vaunted health care plan isn’t faring much better. An astounding 63% of the voting public is now in favor of repealing the bill. Already. Before it’s even seen the light of day. So much for “well, I suppose we should at least give it a try . . .”
But neither of these is the really interesting statistic. That award goes to the “Political Class,” which is what the pundits and pollsters call the body of our elected officials. 77% of those guys and gals are still strongly in favor of the health care bill, and believe it will be good for the country. One can’t help but wonder if there might be some connection to the fact that they are elected, and stand to gain a good deal of power and wealth—indirectly of course—through the thousands of pages of regulation. Some of us may be just a bit jaded over their motives, and be wondering if the Political Class might have a different opinion if they were subject to the same health care policy as the rest of us.
This is a good indication of the disconnect between us and them. It is remarkable, really. They are elected representatives, and it should be clear to even the most hopeful among us, that the representation is no longer happening. If it weren’t for the fact that I’m listening to my Doc Watson radio station on Pandora, I would probably be having another heart attack right now. Doc and the boys are powerfully soothing.
It will be interesting to watch the coming election unfold. Personally, I think Doc Watson would make a better President than Obama, and I’m thinking of starting a grass roots internet campaign. But then, I think any one of you would make a better president. Anybody want to run?

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